Monday, March 28, 2016

Courtesy: Love 😊

I am love
I do not begin...but I am
I am the beginning...that is endless
An absolute flow for all who can feel
I am...regardless
For if I'm not...I wouldn't be...

An existence in non existence
I am that which is not...
The entire fullness in nothingness
A giving n receiving in itself...
The absorbing n the reflecting,
All of which I am...

Flowing out...into thyself...boundlessly
Timeless ageless abundant
Beyond vastness of space,
I pour I spill
I seep I swirl
I soak I drench
I have my own wings
And I fly...

If u can feel,
I am always alive...
As alive as u are 😊

Courtesy: Love 😊

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Subtle.....yet profound !

In deepest ways it happens
                          subtly, quietly, beautifully
In is revealed
When we listen it speaks,
When it speaks it is endless...

Endless mesmerizing revelations
Of the minute 'us'
                of the infinite vastness...
Of a trivial 'my world'
                of the magnanimous existence...
Of boundless possibilities
                               and deeper connections...
Of feelings that traverse the mere body
                                miles across vastness...
Of virtual boundaries
                that exist in none other,
Than our illusive thoughts of 'you' n 'I'

And then deeper we observe
                         lesser is there to say...
When all is happening
                subtly, quietly, beautifully
                                           yet profoundly...
There's nothing much
                          the lips can do !

Monday, February 22, 2016

Becoming Beautiful...

Raise your feelings
Raise your energy
Imagine yourslf to be the happiest
Feel all the love of entire universe within...

A whirlpool of richness,
Feeling of unending abundance,
A life as fresh as a lily
Covered in dew
Soaked in warm morning rays
Dashing through the cool breeze
Arms wide open to all colors of life...

And as we feel all of it within,
Life becomes endlessly beautiful...

As the world within changes,
The universe we are looking at
As if it were outside of us,
The power of love engulfs us,
And carries us to a different horizon
Where the sky kisses the earth...
And nothing remains 'not-possible' !

Friday, February 19, 2016

Do You Love Me?

At free will I arrive
At free will I depart
I dance I sing
I rise I fall
I breathe n soar
At my own will...

I see within as I see you
You see without as you ask
Do you love me...
As you see within
You'll know how much...

Do You Love Me?
With all my heart n soul I do
For if I am 'love',
What else could I ever do?

I am love...
         I am in you...
                   I am love...
                           I am 'you'...

You is me
Me is you !

Monday, February 15, 2016

Of love... n more love !

I dash against the light you disperse
And the playful fragrance that you spread
And the colors of love you pour all over

In them I am drenched.....forever
And my thirst quenched for now
As I sink in it...
As I thirst for more...
As I hold you close...gradually you consume me

The face maybe mine
But you are the beauty behind !

The moment 'everything else' remains !

Love...bcoz it is the greatest power...that makes us unlimited !

Love...bcoz it sets us free !

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Of the more-ordinary !!!

As I break down...I rise like air
As I dissolve...I flow like water
From a body...I become more ordinary
And of the bigger existence
To truly love, is to be 'of it'...
In its entirety...
Do you dare?
Mocks life at you...

To destroy ego n its illusions n its images
Do you dare?

And as we become nothing
Everything appears in place
Ceaselessly flowing into our becoming
       All of it never matters anymore...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Of love deep within...

...but the smell of roses,
the touch of a flowing brook as it touches our fingers,
the feel of a gushing stream in our feet,
raindrops falling gently on the face...
as we feel it on the tongue,

...the abundance n freedom
of which the heart knows all
as we imagine soaring high in the sky...

They all make us 'feel' the same way deep within...
And we still 'think' we are all different 😊 !!!

Oh yes...our connection is much deeper than at the surface 😊😊...

Thursday, February 4, 2016's all your choice

                                  If we are able to disintegrate the 'self' bit by bit,
                                                shall we know the value of self...

                                                 All but in absolute silence,
                                         we see the transitory nature of life...

What we have shaped up as 'physical manifestation' is the body...disintegration of which would drop it down to its subatomic level, a state where we do not exist on a level perceptible by touch; the bodily form gets fragmented into bits and enters into oblivion.

Subatomic particles are measures of energy. Thoughts and feelings are waves of same energy. So, whether we exist as a body or not, we are basically measures of energy that vibrate at different frequencies.

Thoughts and feelings always 'happen' according to our own choice...which gets manifested in the physical world as forms that are tangible...through innumerable 'waves of possibilities'. Therefore everything can be manifested as per our wish trough power of creativity.
That is the power human beings hold...n that is the freedom of being human. All that we must understand is - the kind of thoughts and feelings we project comes back to us as reflections in a mirror.

The questions which arise now are,

- What do we actually want?
- When we ask for what we desire or wish, do we understand what else might come along with it?
- Are we ready for all of it, as a whole package?

For eg: if we wish to achieve fame in a certain profession, are we ready to face certain contrasts that would appear in our life to help us reach those goals? These contrasts however appear to add any kind of value required to succeed in achieving what we want to, which may not be currently available in us. They may also appear to be really harsh in more than one way. But we must be aware we are not frowning at them whatsoever. So we see that it is all a matter of mental attitude.

Similarly, in the hall of material possessions - wealth, name, fame, class, beauty, etc - if we understand what the entire package may demand from us or have the faintest idea of what price we would require to pay - the entire situation works reasonably well for us.

Thus we see that a little awareness works everywhere. If we delve deeper, we may be able to decide better, if our wishes still remain the same or we are better off without them. Of course the choice is our own as well as responsibility of consequences.

                                                     Every action has its result...
                                                     Every input has an output...

These are natural phenomena and we must 'be able' to be ready for them. That is the responsibility we choose to hold for all that we have consciously invited into our domain of existence.

                     'Nothing ever comes into our life without our permission, intention and invitation'

So, we now know that harmony or disharmony in our life is our own creation. And it is extremely important for us to 'be aware' of what vibrations - thoughts and feelings - we create in our mind and transmit them to our surrounding. They will all be reflected as 'having' in our life.
Every moment of awareness is an invaluable opportunity to create joy and happiness for our self in the 'NOW'.

Naturally when we become aware, silence absorbs us;
Or, in silence we observe more and more of the 'self' - how, what, when, where, why - we are being, feeling, doing or having, the way we are/do.

Thus, 'self-consciousness' is nothing ecstatic; it is a simple yet an enormous dimension of infinite possibilities...depending on how we allow it to absorb us or how we soak it in.

In the moment of self consciousness we tend to live 'as life flows' - we start living the moment of pain or joy with equal involvement - but never dragging it too long or too far; experiencing every bit of our magnificent existence, learning and evolving as 'New in the Now' like every breath of fresh air...

                            'Our being and doing gets reflected in our having'

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Voyaging in Silence...

In are the calm
As I hear your silence
In prevailing storm...

Voyaging towards a tranquil sunset
The only boat sailing
As I drift along...

Strolling on an off beaten track
Hand in hand
               towards an unknown destination...

And bestowed upon us,
All that is untouched
Yet deeply touching...
All that is unseen
Yet immensely familiar...
An eternity of love
Felt beyond expressions...
And a wish yet to be fulfilled
To leave here soundlessly,
As if, a speck of dust never existed

Hand in hand
               shall we transcend boundaries

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Mask Falls Off...

Can we imagine something that we are not thinking of?

Give it a try.....and we shall know that all which we see or imagine is a result of our own thinking.

'Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else'

Therefore, our innumerable interpretations are based upon what we think and feel within us. These vibrations get expressions in many different ways -
                  happiness, joy, ecstasy, pain, sadness, anger, agreeing, disagreeing - all are but the result of perceptions about a certain situation or another being. Basically, they only represent our imagination and trivial to the entire rest of existence.


We need to understand this very very well. For, a lot of mess can either be created or handled well enough based on our understanding.

A human being is an extremely complex expression of nature and a huge dimension altogether, for the human mind itself. Every human being has innumerable facets and nature has balanced all of them well enough into a complete unit. We view each other as individuals and every individual is uniquely beautiful.

Our view or vision gets confined if we rush into conclusions about an individual by observing just a few of these facets. We in turn limit our 'own self' into viewing smaller events ignoring the bigger picture or delving into a broader dimension, altogether.
We therefore try to satisfy our self through an incomplete image or idea, which is nothing more than mere illusion.

Similarly, as we observe our own multitude of facets, we shall not be lesser than astonished. More deeply we start knowing our self more or better we start accepting our self in totality. And also understand how powerful a creation we are. We eventually shift our self from the zone of fear of 'what the world would think of me' to an infinite zone of 'self-acceptance' and 'self-love'.

As we start discovering our self we shift to a mode of observing others and understanding them more deeply rather than having a superficial perception or conclusion about them.

Eventually, we also start realizing how each of these facets in others as well as in us, are merged into a single being to give rise to different possibilities or universal expressions, which are of utmost importance for existence to continue.

Agreeing or disagreeing to each other then becomes invalid and matters no more to us. And under any external condition our feelings remain the same.

Our awareness merges and we realize that each one of us is everyone and everything of the infinite universe, smaller versions of the universe itself. Each of us have been placed perfectly, the way we should be. And, this 'everyone and everything' make a whole, a complete one.

Everything happens to us in perfect timing. People come and go, events take place and life drama continues forever 'through' all of us; each one of us playing our own role, in this beautiful park called planet earth.

Thus, the mask falls off and revelations happen, as we allow !

Thursday, January 28, 2016

'Growing' - apart...with love

I know we are feeling apart
But we are in the same flow of love you know?
Ripples of my feelings always caressing you
But I know, you are seeing apart...

Waiting and journeying to me
Always have meant the same
But I know you are in hurry
And I know we are walking apart...

Threads that bind us together
Are a little entangled I know
But the strings have never been weak
Though we drift apart...

You walk on a path
And I walk the pathless
You need all reasons
And I am reasonless
You see 'I am' as what you are not
And I know we are parts of 'one'

You wish to sleep
While I am awake
          And I have to go...

We feel apart
We see apart
We walk apart
We drift apart
We are, growing-apart

And love connects us
         to see us through it all...

For, all that is beautifully different
And which is differently beautiful
Is being nurtured every moment
                                         in aloneness
And in richness of nature...
In aloneness you bloom and I blossom
In the bosom of love...

No matter where you are or you are not
In the music of a flute
Or in the dance,
In depths of oceans
Or in vastness of greenery,
In the drizzle
Or in gentle breeze,
I do and I shall always feel
Beyond all those glorious delusions...