Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Right Now...

Many a times we experience dismay, dissatisfaction, resentment, annoyance...tend to become aggressive, offensive n violent at times. Despite it whatever is destined occurs....we eventually comply n come to terms with it. Absurd isnt it?

When we reminisce we cannot ignore the fact that we'v been transporting the burden of antagonism n disharmony as well as radiating it.

We rob ourself off the scarce opportunities of being simply happy -  stop for a while, look around at the wonders of life, breathe a lung full of fresh air to purify our souls...

While we do not know what destiny holds for us...we do know what we can do right now. As we understand the power of a moment...we can claim power to make life beautiful right now. Right now is the time n right now is life...

Life is a story of our journey; journey an assortment of choices we make every moment. Moments create chapters...and every goal is only an end to each chapter.

Ironically, we drown ourselves in a struggle to reach goals while our thirst for a beautiful life is never quenched. We look for an explanation of a dissatisfied life everywhere else than within ourself...while the power to make choices lie within us. We all know 'What Power Is' while we'r all ignorant of it...ironically...

Power is to be able to divert ourself from all unpleasantness into doing something we really want to Right Now...

Do what we 'can do' right now: the boundaries of 'can do' will cease eventually into our own land of forgotten dreams :).

- Dedicated to all my loved ones.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blissfully Beautiful

Last night I met a beautiful woman...her lengthy lock of hair beautifully woven into a loose bun, a few strands falling carelessly on her soft fair cheeks. As she walks around with effortless grace cleaning up all mess she suddenly realises to dim all lights and let her family doze off with least disturbance...

As I watch her through the window that was left open to make room for some gentle breeze to rush in...I could see the effects of dimmed lights gently caressing her face...

She takes a quick glance around her and a smile light up her face n then her glittering eyes...a smile of much satisfaction that evidently filled her heart which was directly transported to her beautiful face...she was contented that her family would wake up to a lovely tidied house tomorrow...

As she settles herself down all alone on the sofa to relax for a while before she hits the bed for the day, I tried to decipher her expressions made obvious by a few facial lines...those were impressions left from years of struggle n pain she had been through while trying to live up to expectations of all her dear ones in life...

Her raw beauty...reflected through her tired eyes that were never decorated with an eye liner, her lips that were never painted with a lip color but were thirsty after a hard day's work, her wrinkled face with no foundation powder to cover up her facial lines...but under the effect of those dimmed lights just took my heart away...

Thankfully, I was wide awake last night while the rest of the family was in deep slumber...and without much distraction could adore her n cherish her beauty, her serenity, her purity n her aches concealed with illusions for years. For once I realised she is priceless...

Last night I was bestowed to meet the most beautiful woman in my life...truely blissful !!!

-Dedicated to Maa with love :)